It’s a rare disease and need more research for this disease.
and it is usually diagnosed by chance while diagnosing or treating some other condition.
Amber as the official ribbon colour for appendix cancer.
August Month is to raise awareness of appendix cancer to improve diagnosis and treatment of patients with this rare cancer.
What Is Appendix Cancer?
Appendix cancer occurs in the cells of the appendix. It begins when the appendix cells start to multiply and divide abnormally. The appendix is a narrow tube-like sac connecting the colon to the starting of the large intestine.
It’s a rare disease, approximately 2 to 9 persons per million will develop this kind of cancer.
Types of Appendix Cancer
Symptoms of Appendix Cancer
Risk factors
Appendix cancer can occur at any age, it’s more likely to develop in people between 40 and 60.
Sex. It is more common in Women than men.
Smoking or tobacco use can increase your chances of all cancers, including appendix cancer.
Medical history. Like atrophic gastritis, pernicious anaemia and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, may increase your risk for appendix cancer.
Family history of cancer. A recent study suggests that some people with appendix cancer inherit genes that increase their cancer risk.
How is appendix cancer diagnosed?
How is appendix cancer treated?
Drug treatments
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Sindhu Bhavan Road,
Pakwan Char Rasta,
Off S G Highway,
Bodakdev, Ahmedabad – 380054